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June 12, 2011


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I love steeks!! They are so magical. And that mini-sweater-teacozy is a piece of adorable genius. Incidentally, I've tried both sewing and crochet to reinforce steeks, and had better results with the crochet, which I wrote about at http://www.yarnscape.co.uk/?p=106. I'd still use a machine sewn steek for anything that wasn't at least slightly sticky wool, but the crochet was brilliant.

Hi Mary! I had heard the term 'steek' but didn't know what it meant and when I finally Googled it I was shocked!!! I seriously cannot imagine cutting into knitting! Talk about an act of faith!! (ha!ha!) Of course, after I read your post (and I'm going to go back to the link you included and read that too), I can see that it is possible, but it must be just about the scariest thing a knitter can do. Yikes!

Congratulations to your son and have a wonderful time in Chicago - it's nice you get to spend a little one-on-one with him, I would think!

Mary, if you are in Chicago you must stop by my favorite LYS!! There must be time for that between legos?!


It is the most beautiful store and Nina is wonderful!

Enjoy my fair city!

Brave soul! If you can cut into your knitting, you can face almost anything (at least when it comes to knitting, and then some.)Bravo!

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